infertility, ttc

Mentally Exhausted

I am over trying.  My body obviously hates me.  I swear the next person that tells me to relax and it will happen  I will Miss Piggy karate chop. I am trying to keep hope and faith that we will become pregnant but what if we don’t?  All that time wasted we could have been pursuing other options.  3 years of treatments 6 years total of trying and nothing.  I hate pregnancy announcements.  I really don’t have hate in my heart it just bothers me.  Clomid hates me.  IUI hates me.  What did I do to deserve this? 

Stella Nash

babies, infertility, marriage, struggle, ttc

Day 21 results.

Well I am on round 4 of Clomid and I have noticed the last 2 cycles my Day 21 labs are low again like I am not even on Clomid. Anyway with round 2 my Day 21 was a 26 something I believe it is in on of my blogs. And now with Round 4 Day 21 is an 8.73….. WTF? What’s the point of my even taking it? I am completely heartbroken and mad and disappointed.  I wanted two pink lines for Christmas.  This will be year 3 of wishing the same thing for New Years. A baby. A chance at motherhood.