
Thursday and I’m loosing my mind.

Hello friends! I just wanted to say Happy Thursday!! I have completely lost my mind! I literally thought today was Friday! I am waiting on a special call tomorrow and I’ve been really nervous about it!! I am hoping it leads to whatever God intends. Since the call I’m waiting for is so unlikely of me to volunteer, that’s why I’m nervous!!! It definitely is a God thing for sure! I will update you all on that!!

I have been trying to catch up on the Bachelor! I hear Krystal is gone!! Thank goodness!! She drove me crazy!! As you can see I’m a few episodes behind!!! What is with this kissing bandit Arie anyway? How can one fall in love 5 minuets in?! That’s why I love this train wreck! In my opinion, Chris Harrison is cuter than this years bachelor! I’ve always wondered why he didn’t become the Bachelor?! I’m married but I would sign up!! Hehe I’m kidding! That would most likely bring some drama they love over there at the Bachelor!!


Netflix, Royals, tv

The Crown Season 2 Review

Hello Friends!!! I finally finished The Crown season 2! Oh goodness! I absolutely love this show!! I am obsessed with all things royal so me being a fan of this show just came natural!! If you haven’t seen the show, I highly recommend it! Netflix did a fabulous job on the actors. If you haven’t seen this show or made it through the season yet, I suggest reading no further. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!

I am so sad to see Claire Foy and Matt Smith are living the show! I understand though the Queen and Prince Philip have to age and this was always part of the plan. I AM NOT READY!! I am sure the replacements will fit beautifully but they will have big shoes to fill in my opinion.

I think my favorite episode was Dear Mrs. Kennedy. WOW!! We will really never know if Jackie O ever said those things about the Queen but it did give good character development for Jackie in this episode.  I know that Camelot has come under fire for a variety of reasons but this was just well done.

Overall this season was filled with drama no doubt, and it made me have a more respect and better understanding for the royal family. We think being Queen or King for a day would be wonderful, but this show gives a glimpse that it may not be glamorous after all.

I can not wait for season 3 which I think doesn’t come out until next year 2019. I most likely will restart season 1 over again just to past the time for waiting! I know we can expect Prince Charles to Camilla in the next season! Wonder if we will get a glimpse of Princess Diana?!! The suspense is killing me!

Let me know what you think of the show, what you hope happens in season 3, who would you like to take over for Claire Foy and Matt Smith.